Untwisted Tree Massage Therapy LLC


Greetings to you all,

I hope this message finds you all well and in good health.  As you all know due to the COVID-19 pandemic my massage practice was ordered to close back on Thursday, March 19, 2020 and to remain closed through Thursday, April 30, 2020.  I have been notified by my regulation board and the governor's office that my practice can reopen this upcoming Friday, May 1, 2020.  I will be implementing more cleaning and sanitation practices to best serve you all and to maintain the best health practices while we resume your bodywork services at this time.  The office hours will be shortened a bit at the start, so if you do not see any appointment availability in the morning or late afternoon and that is the best time for you, please let me know via my cellphone or email and if possible we will work together to get you in for massage at the best time for you.  As always you can call, text, or email me to discuss setting up your next appointment, or you may also visit my scheduling website at:




I am sure after several weeks at home, we could all use some relaxation and tension relief.  Looking forward to resuming our work together to ensure good health, peace of mind, and stress relief.  Stay safe and healthy and hope to see you all again over the next several weeks as life begins to shift towards the next phase.

Best wishes to all, 

Chesley Stoltz, LMT, CNMT

Untwisted Tree Massage Therapy

6645 Delmonico Drive, Suite 100

Colorado Springs, CO 80919

(214) 912-6296

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
Member, Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (214) 912-6296
915 Pinon Ranch View, Colorado Springs, CO 80907
© Copyright 2025 Untwisted Tree Massage Therapy LLC. All rights reserved.