Untwisted Tree Massage Therapy LLC
About The Practitioner

Chesley Stoltz, LMT, CNMT

I graduated from the Colorado Institute of Massage Therapy in 2015 and have been providing massages in Colorado Springs ever since.

As far back as I can remember I have always been the first to offer to rub someone’s shoulders, back, feet, etc if I heard they were in pain. Becoming a massage therapist was always something that interested me, but it became something that I knew without a doubt I must do when my father injured his back. There was an ice storm and he fell while climbing the steps outside his house, injuring his back severely. He wound up needing surgery and was in constant pain throughout his very long recovery. Watching my Dad struggle with so much pain, and not knowing how to properly and effectively help him left me in a powerless position that I could not bear. I encouraged him to seek out massage therapy as part of his treatment and the results were amazing. The impact that his massage therapist had on him was more than just physical, it was a mental and emotional lift as well. Seeing his condition improve left me feeling certain that I wanted to be in that position to help someone like him. To help someone work through their pain and injuries so that they can leave feeling better than they could even remember feeling before, well that was the career that I knew I was meant to be in. Seeing someone relax and be comforted by my assistance and care, that is how I want to spend my time and energy contributing to the world

My husband and I spend our off time enjoying Colorado life!  We love to hike and take road trips with our dog as our faithful co-pilot.  

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
Member, Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (214) 912-6296
915 Pinon Ranch View, Colorado Springs, CO 80907
© Copyright 2025 Untwisted Tree Massage Therapy LLC. All rights reserved.